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John Holt Ali Baba Wiki

John Holt - Ali Baba

What is the song about?

The song describes the protagonists dream about being in.

The song "Ali Baba" by John Holt is a reggae song that tells the story of a man who dreams of being Ali Baba, the famous character from the Arabian Nights story. The song explores the themes of poverty, hardship, and the desire for a better life.

The song begins with the protagonist lying in bed, dreaming that he is Ali Baba. In his dream, he is rich and powerful, and he has everything he could ever want. He is surrounded by beautiful women, and he has all the money he could ever need.

The dream is a stark contrast to the protagonist's real life, in which he is poor and struggling to make ends meet. He lives in a small house with his family, and he works long hours at a factory.
